Friday 7 December 2012

Week 9 - Class Review

Week 9 was mainly associated with the learning of some tactics of improving and refining image. We learned different techniques such as  How to give retouches to a picture using the blur tool, spot healing brush tool, patch tool, clone stamp tool, sharpen filters,  sponge tool, dodge tool, burn tool, etc. were  part of the sermon session.
The clone stamp tool helps us to copy the pixels of one area of an image and add the paint of that particular image onto another side of an image. The healing brush tool is just like clone stamp tool, but it results in a blended and refined effect. The patch tool is another very useful retouching tool. It also works in a similar way to the healing brush tool. It can blend the sampled pixels with the connected pixels of an image. The dodge tools help us in lightening the areas of an image, simulating decreased exposure, whereas the burn tool darkens, and simulating increased exposure. The sponge tool adjusts colour saturation to intensify or mute colours. Sharpening the quality of an image with the help of unsharp mask filter is always useful with images which are distorted or resized. It can also improve the quality of an image even after it is printed.  The lens blur filter creates a shallow depth-of-filed effect, in which part of an image is in focus, but much of the image is out of focus.

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