Friday 7 December 2012

Week 3 - Class Review

The first chapter "A quick tour of Adobe Photoshop" overviews the usage and capabilities of the software that is a graphics editing program called Adobe Photoshop that is used for multimedia purpose. This is actually the basic theme of our subject "Multimedia Authoring" that is, how to use different software that could help making multimedia projects. 

In the first chapter, some basic tasks are discussed. Mainly, how to open and save an image,identify the different parts of the software etc. Firstly, it shows the interface of the software that we're going to view when we download it, the initial stage. 

Secondly, when you save an image after editing it, in what formats does the Adobe Photoshop save it. Different formats it possesses;

  •   PSD is the Photoshop native file format
  •   GIF & JPG are used for Web graphics
  •   TIF is a popular format for print
  •   RAW is a format for digital cameras

It also discusses the color modes that are RGB (Red, green, blue) and CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black), where RGB is used to emit colors in computer monitors, and CMYK is used to subtract varying degrees of blue green and red from white light to produce a selective gamut of spectral colors, also referred as filters.

This chapter overviews the feature of managing palettes in Adobe Photoshop that provides access to program features. In this week, we were introduced with the Photoshop Toolbox that we are going to use for editing images. There's another palette called the navigator palette that is used to zoom in the image and it tells you where you actually are. 

Chapter 2 covers up the documents management and how to view it once it's edited, This chapter tells you about color modes and its range, and how the range is measured. Range is measured by a device called gut. There are different color modes that are used; RGB, CMYK and Panton. Image types such as bitmap or grayscale. It overviews the history palette feature in adobe photoshop that allows using undo command. It also tells how to change the on-screen size of an image. 

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