Friday 7 December 2012

Kinetic Typography

In our group assignment 2, we created a Kinetic Typography video in which we were free to choose our own theme

Week 12 - Class Review

By using peculiar and different effects and methods, we learned how to eliminate texts. In Adobe After Effects, we literally learnt how to use the camera option. On the other hand, we learnt how to rotate texts in 3D plane and how to render video in After Affects and play it subsequently. The method how to blur specific letters and move them along a specific path, just like a motion blurs effect was a part of our study. 

Week 10 - Class Review

We were assigned a task to create a short stop motion video, We were asked to create a video from images. We made approximately of 20-25 images from Adobe Photoshop and those images were going to be used in the video of 2 to 3 seconds. The whole idea was to create a video that somehow simulates that a ball is being dropped on the floor from a distance and when it touches the surface of the floor its breaks into pieces that scatters all over the screen. We then transferred these images to Windows Movie Maker, so that we could modify the time duration of each picture and produce effects of a ball getting broken as much realistic as possible.

So the images were added to timeline. Effects such as earth quake were incorporated into the video to make the ball produce an earthquake effect when it touches the surface of the floor. We also learned how to make layers move in Adobe After Effects and how to save them on the timeline.

Week 10 - Class Review

Week 10 was the submission week of our group assignment which was to advertise Microsoft Tag by designing a poster. This assignment was suppose to check our technical and creative skills in Adobe Photoshop and our poster involved each and every tool that had been taught in our previous classes

Week 9 - Class Review

Week 9 was mainly associated with the learning of some tactics of improving and refining image. We learned different techniques such as  How to give retouches to a picture using the blur tool, spot healing brush tool, patch tool, clone stamp tool, sharpen filters,  sponge tool, dodge tool, burn tool, etc. were  part of the sermon session.
The clone stamp tool helps us to copy the pixels of one area of an image and add the paint of that particular image onto another side of an image. The healing brush tool is just like clone stamp tool, but it results in a blended and refined effect. The patch tool is another very useful retouching tool. It also works in a similar way to the healing brush tool. It can blend the sampled pixels with the connected pixels of an image. The dodge tools help us in lightening the areas of an image, simulating decreased exposure, whereas the burn tool darkens, and simulating increased exposure. The sponge tool adjusts colour saturation to intensify or mute colours. Sharpening the quality of an image with the help of unsharp mask filter is always useful with images which are distorted or resized. It can also improve the quality of an image even after it is printed.  The lens blur filter creates a shallow depth-of-filed effect, in which part of an image is in focus, but much of the image is out of focus.

Week 6 - Class Review

In this week we mainly learnt  few things such as working with filter gallery, combining applications of filters with selections, create custom textures, use liquefy filter, working with text and paragraphs, how to insert an image into the background of a text.


In the adobe Photoshop, filters are mainly special tools which allow the users to add special affect to their image. They are used in different ways. We have many options of filter selection in filter menu. More than one filter affect users can add on same image.


The liquefy filter allows us to move and push the pixels according to the user’s own aspiration to create more affects. Users can distort the pixels by using the different types of liquefy filter options. Users can also add the freeze mask tool to protect a specific portion of the image while editing. Users can also use the reconstruct tool to fix the picture back to its original version.

We also learned how to use vector shapes, by using many other shapes to create one proper structure.
Basic of using texts was also the part of our learning process. We learnt how to transfer an image in the background of a text. How to overcome the spaces between different letters and how to alter the baseline shifts. Learning how to change the alignment of paragraph was also part of the lecture session, we then practiced our newly learnt skills in the tutorial session.  

Week 5 - Class Review

In week 5, we covered up two chapters i.e chapter 6 & 7 which discussed about layer palettes and layer styles and its applications in the Adobe Photoshop, its types, how to merge and flatten layers, and finally how to layer style onto layers.

These chapters reflects the usage of layers. here we studied that layers are used to, create composite images,  create complex projects, correct colors, add special effects and to repair photos. content of layers can be controlled by changing opacity, changing stacking order, and changing blending modes.

MERGING: Combining different layers into one.

There are five different types of layers, 
1. Normal Layers : these layers are added on the top of the current layer.

2. Adjustment Layers: Used to modify image without affecting the original pixels.

3. Layer Masks: Protect areas of layers.

4. Shape Layers: Contain vector shapes.

5. Type Layers: Contain text elements.